Saturday 26th March 2022 - To be conducted by Postal Ballot

This year marks the clubs' 19th AGM which, unfortunately due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions and following guidance from the Kennel Club, will once again be held virtually with voting conducted via a postal ballot.
In addition to the meeting, the club are seeking keen and enthusiastic volunteers, who share a passion for our amazing breed and are eager to help drive the club forward. The role of Honorary Treasurer, along with 6 Committee member spaces are available to be filled and we welcome applicants to complete the attached nomination form below. All nominees must be paid up members by the 31st January 2022 and have been a fully paid up member for entirety of the previous year. Nomination forms should be completed and sent to the Honorary Secretary, Jennifer Abrahams, no later than postmarked Saturday 5th February 2022
The club also invite members to provide any items they wish to be included in the agenda. These should be supplied in writing to the Honorary Secretary and again should be received no later than postmarked Saturday 5th February 2022. The full Agenda and further details will be released following this date. Please note that only fully paid up members will be entitled to vote.
You can keep up to date with all the AGM information by accessing the 2022 AGM information page on the website, simply by clicking here.
Members are reminded that membership subscriptions are due by the 31st January 2022. All new and renewing members are required to complete an online application form each year, regardless of whether an existing standing order is in place. The application form can be completed and submitted by accessing the following link:

Please ensure that the correct payment is made based on your type of membership. This will need to be processed separately to the form via a bank transfer, cheque payment or standing order. Details can be found on the web page underneath the application form. We ask those people
Photo courtesy of Noriko Brewster who have existing standing orders set up to double check that the correct amount is/has been paid. Last year saw a previously agreed nominal increase in membership fees applied, yet a number of pre-existing standing orders were received at the old membership fee level for renewals. This caused a considerable amount of work for the Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary to pursue to ensure the correct amounts were paid. The current cost of memberships are as follows:
Membership Prices 2022
Single £14
Joint £16.50
Family £19
Junior £9
Single £19
Joint £22
Family £25
Junior £11.50
The full Agenda for the AGM will be posted on the club website in due course. members will receive their postal ballots prior to the AGM once the Agenda has been finalised.