Held in conjunction with the City of Birmingham Championship Show at Stoneleigh Park near Coventry, The Spanish Water Dog Club Open Show took place on Sunday 1st September 2019. Sponsored by Royal Canin, a total of 45 dogs made up the 50 entries within the main show. Additional classes were also held for Junior Handling, whereby the entrants were judged not on the dog, but on the capabilites of the handler in presenting the dog in the ring.
The open show also incorporated three extra Special Award Classes. These classes are specifically put on by the club, with the permission of the Kennel Club, in an endeavour to assist prospective judges to progress up the Judges List. It allows judges, newly qualified or seeking additional experience, the opportunity to examine and judge the Spanish Water Dog breed by gaining a captive audience of owners of the breed who are present at the show.
Best in Show was won by the Best Bitch and winner of the Post Graduate Bitch class, Sierrasalva's Regalo
Reserve Best in Show and best dog was won by Sh Ch Casper De Agua Salada
Best Puppy in show was taken by the Puppy Bitch winner Oh You Are Magic vom Hause Kristo of Goldfly (Imp)
Best Vetran in Show was awarded to Valentismo's Olli Dante from the Vetran Dog Class
Scroll down for details of the results from all the classes and the show photo gallery.

Held in conjunction with the City of Birmingham Championship Show at Stoneleigh Park near Coventry, The Spanish Water Dog Club Open Show took place on Sunday 1st September 2019. Sponsored by Royal Canin, a total of 45 dogs made up the 50 entries within the main show. Additional classes were also held for Junior Handling, whereby the entrants were judged not on the dog, but on the capabilites of the handler in presenting the dog in the ring.
The open show also incorporated three extra Special Award Classes. These classes are specifically put on by the club, with the permission of the Kennel Club, in an endeavour to assist prospective judges to progress up the Judges List. It allows judges, newly qualified or seeking additional experience, the opportunity to examine and judge the Spanish Water Dog breed by gaining a captive audience of owners of the breed who are present at the show.
Best in Show was won by the Best Bitch and winner of the Post Graduate Bitch class, Sierrasalva's Regalo
Reserve Best in Show and best dog was won by Sh Ch Casper De Agua Salada
Best Puppy in show was taken by the Puppy Bitch winner Oh You Are Magic vom Hause Kristo of Goldfly (Imp)
Best Vetran in Show was awarded to Valentismo's Olli Dante from the Vetran Dog Class
Scroll down for details of the results from all the classes and the show photo gallery.

Breed History
Until very recently the Spanish Water Dog was kept in relative isolation in rural areas of Spain, away from crossbreeding and interbreeding with other dogs. The breed was developed in three separate areas of Spain, giving rise to three types. The dogs were used for a variety of tasks, being called upon to work wherever a dog was required. They were used as sheepdogs to move the flocks of sheep or goats from one pasture to another. They accompanied fishermen in their boats and would retrieve equipment from the water, bring in stray fish that had escaped from the nets, carry a tow rope to the shore for the boat to be pulled in and guard the catch once it was landed. These dogs would also be taken hunting and would be used as retrievers, particularly in the water. The breed is particularly noted for its ability to dive underwater and remain at depth for some time. A depth of six metres has been recorded.
The Revival of the Breed
In 1975, two enthusiasts, Antonio Garcia Perez and Santiago Montesinos travelled around the countryside of Southern Spain, through the remote villages and farms of the mountainous region of Andalucia and bought or borrowed a number of dogs that they felt most fitted the type they were looking for to establish a breeding programme.
In 1980 the Spanish Water Dog Club(Spain) was formed in order to promote the breed and help get it recognised in its own country.
In 1985, after a lot of hard work and displaying the breed at various venues and dog shows the Spanish Kennel Club accepted it and gave it official status.
Introduction to England.
A number of years ago four friends, visiting the World Dog Show in Valencia, were particularly attracted to a native Spanish breed appearing both in the show ring and as part of a demonstration in the main arena. These four people immediately recognised the potential of the dogs and formed a partnership in order to research the breed, acquire some dogs and import them into this country. The first two Spanish Water Dogs arrived in this country in 1992 to be followed by two more at a later date. And so, by working together on a breeding programme the breed was carefully established over here and the resultant progeny were trained in a variety of fields.