We had a perfect day for our nine Novice dogs training with Judy Hempstead on 21st May 2022. The training ground was in beautiful order and offered us everything we needed. We all parked under the shade of the trees lining a grassy track, and after a short introduction and briefing we began.
The morning group worked hard to improve their handling skills and retrieves, and after a hunting-up session in the lush grass we moved to the lake. This had a gently sloping entry to the water making it encouraging for any less experienced dogs.
It was lovely to meet Mark and Pippa, and we saw how kindly Mark handled Pippa to encourage her confidence.
Young Oliver handled his 10 month old puppy, Bella, with calm maturity, with mum Cat proudly looking on.

Lucy and Inigo worked so well and Lucy's smiles just got wider with every success they achieved. Doreen with 9 year old Maya, and Jane with 3 year old Cassi enjoyed improving their dogs' distance control and delivery to hand. Doreen was able to work with Maya in gundog style despite being new to the discipline.

After a short break for lunch, the afternoon trainees were welcomed and we started work at the lake.
Chispa really enjoyed herself and with Pat's encouragement and Judy's direction, she was entering the water very confidently by the end of the day, cheered on by Pamela and Ramsay.
At three years old, Ramsay's energy is enormous and Pamela was skillfully guided by Judy to harness this to perfection.

Quizzi and Jane responded well to every task Judy set, but the most amazing improvement came from Team Rosa.
This strong puppy was asking so many questions of Nick and Sue. Judy's skills helped them achieve a real rapport which was delightful to see.
Judy drew the groups to a close on a really positive note, and said she had really enjoyed working with such enthusiastic handlers today.
Our trainees have said they would love to do this again soon!
You can find out more about Gundog work here - https://www.spanishwaterdogclub.co.uk/gundog
Jane Appleton
Gundog Coordinator

Thanks again to Jane for continuing to enthusiastically represent the working ethic of the breed at committee level - providing experience and knowledge to the SWDC for the continued education of its members. Judy Hempstead is a pioneer and staunch supporter of all Minority Breeds and her continued support of SWD is to be highly valued. I hope more members join us Gun Dog Enthusiasts and see the benefits this type of training and team building provides for our naturally endowed working breed. Well done all involved 👏👏👏👏
Fabulous day for Team Rosa and would highly recommend for those wishing to gain confidence with their dog. Thank you to all involved.