We are delighted to issue our Agenda for the upcoming 20th AGM for the SWDC.
Returning to 'in-person' meetings will be a joy and its a great opportunity to all catch-up. This year, we are holding this meeting in north Essex, not far from Stansted Airport. We plan to move the AGM's to different locations each year, dependant on facilities required, to try to include the many members we have, spread all over the UK - from Guernsey to Orkney !
Prior to the AGM, there will be a coat care demonstration by Club member, Noriko Brewster MD of MD10 Grooming products, starting at 10am.
Please get your questions ready and reserve your space in advance with the Hon Sec - sec.swdc@gmail.com
Immediately following the AGM, we will be presenting the Annual Ambassador Awards - Breed Ambassador, Show Ambassadors and Nominated Ambassadors. Nominations close on 6th March and we will be writing to all nominated to invite them to attend the AGM. All nominees will receive a certificate.
If you have any perpetual trophies, please remember to update the engraving and bring them with you for the next recipient!
If you are unable to attend, please get in touch to make arrangements for their return.
For those who are unable to physically attend the AGM, we intend to stream the meeting and the subsequent presentations LIVE via Zoom.
Those watching via Zoom cannot vote due to Club Rules and Regulations and guidance issued by the Kennel Club. If you would like the details, please get in touch and we will send you the link.
We will provide light refreshments throughout and dogs are welcome at this venue - just remember to always clean up after them !
Final note - Don't forget the clocks go forward that weekend!