It's that time of the year again ! We cannot wait to welcome you all to our 21st AGM to be held Sunday 24th March 2024 at Bampton Hall, Bampton, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 2RQ.
Please find below the Agenda and club members should look to their emails for a link to the Members' AGM section on the website, for more information about the proposals for voting on at the meeting. Please email the Hon Sec if you are unable to attend and wish your apologies to be recorded.

Please also keep an eye on your post as the members' Ballots for voting of Officers and Committee Members will be dispatched in the mail shortly. These need to be returned to the Independent Scrutineer by 16th March 2024.
We are delighted that the representatives of the Clubs' Judges Sub Committee will be giving two presentations prior to the meeting - one about the Breed History and another giving information regarding the Judging process and Kennel Clubs' Judges Education Programme. Please let the Hon Sec know if you will be attending these presentations on email: sec.SWDC@gmail.com
As always, once the meeting is concluded, we will be presenting our Club Ambassador Awards - Breed Representatives, Show and Nominated - which we hope you will stay and support.
We still are open to nominations for the Breed Ambassadors - these will close on 16th March 2024. They will then be considered by our President, Faye Allen, who will select the winners. All nominations will be acknowledged.
We look forward to seeing you there !